Posted by: gillarbuthnott | November 13, 2011

No Prisoners!

Another busy week. I sometimes wonder if there’s any other sort…

On Monday I was off to Newcastle to take part in a heat of the Kids Lit Quiz. I was part of an authors’ team along with Linda Strachan and Emma Barnes, competing against other authors (Mark Robson, Ann Coburn and Helen Limon) librarians, and Steve, the one man team from Seven Stories. I could pretend that we weren’t desperate to win, but it would be a big fat lie, in fact Trevor (one of the organisers) suggested our team name should be ‘No Prisoners!’ We did try to pretend we weren’t insanely pleased when we did beat the other adult teams, but I don’t think anyone was taken in. The real competition was won after ten rounds, by a single point, by Gosforth Central Middle School Team 1. Good luck to them in the UK final next month.

On the writing front, I’ve finished the invisible mending and am now doing preliminary work on a new science/fiction (as opposed to science fiction) project. More on that if it looks to be going anywhere.

Actually, most of my time this week has gone on the day job, as it’s report writing time at school. This must be my least favourite writing project, mostly because the technology we use for it seems incredibly awkward to use. Oh well, I finished a set tonight, so I might give myself tomorrow off to do something more creative…


  1. Congratulations on mending and conquest!

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